Conference Location and Lodging
The 2024 Biennial ADHS conference will be held in Buffalo, New York at the University at Buffalo (SUNY)’s Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
The ADHS Conference Committee has reserved block of rooms at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Buffalo at a discounted rate ($125 per night). The hotel is a short walk to the venue or a convenient commute on public transit.
There are two ways folks can go about booking a room for the conference:
1.) Visit the 2024 Biennial ADHS Hotel Booking page and book a room at the
conference rate.
2.) Alternatively, folks can call the Hyatt booking line at (888)-591-1234. To book at the
conference room rate, provide the group code "G-ADHS" and the group name Alcohol
& Drug History Society Conference.
*Rooms are limited at this special rate- so we encourage you to book sooner rather than later.*

University at Buffalo (SUNY)’s Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
955 Main St, Buffalo, NY 14203

Hyatt Regency Hotel
2 Fountain Plaza, Buffalo, NY 14202
Travel and Visas
We encourage folks who plan to attend the 2024 Biennial Conference to explore travel plans early, especially those requiring Visas to enter the United States.
Please check the US State Department website for additional information.